Executive Officers – Celesc S/A | |
CEO | Tarcisio Estefano Rosa |
Planning, Control and Compliance Executive Area | Lino Henrique Pedroni Junior |
CFO and IRO | Julio Cesar Pungan |
Chief Commercial Officer | Vitor Lopes Guimarães |
Director of Corporate Management | Nelson Ronnie dos Santos |
Director of Energy Management and Regulation | Pilar Sabino da Silva |
Legal Director | Pedro Augusto Schmidt de Carvalho Júnior |
Director of Distribution | Cláudio Varella do Nascimento |
Director of Generation, Transmission and New Business | Eloi Hoffelder |
Board of Directors | |
Board Chairman | Glauco José Côrte (*) |
Vice Chairman of the Board | Marco Aurélio Quadros (*) |
Majority Shareholder Representative | Cesar Souza Junior (*) |
Majority Shareholder Representative | Romeu Donizete Rufino (*) |
Majority Shareholder Representative | Ivécio Pedro Felisbino Filho |
Minority Shareholder Representative | Marcelo de Oliveira Figueiredo (*) |
Minority Shareholder Representative | Michel Nunes Itkes (*) |
Minority Shareholder Representative | Fábio William Loreti (*) |
Preferred Shareholders Representative | José Valério Medeiros Junior (*) |
Employees Representative | Paulo Guilherme de Simas Horn |
Majority Shareholder Representative | Silvia Regina da Silva Marafon |
(*) Independent Director is characterized by:
- i. not having any link with the Company, except interest in capital;
- ii. not being Controlling Stockholder, spouse or relative up to second degree of the Controlling Stockholder, or not being or not having being, in the past three (3) years, connected to a corporation or entity related to the Controlling Stockholder (people connected to public education and/or research institutions are excluded from this restriction);
- iii. not having been, in the past three (3) years, an employee or director of the Company, of the Controlling Stockholder or of corporation controlled by the Company;
- iv. not being supplier or buyer, directly or indirectly, of services and/or products of the Company, in magnitude that results in loss of independence;
- v. not being employee or administrator of corporation or entity that is offering or requesting services and/or products to or from the Company, in magnitude that results in loss of independence;
- vi. not being spouse or relative up to second degree of any administrator of the Company; and
- vii. not receiving other form of remuneration from the Company other than the one related to the position of director (gains in cash coming from the interest in capital are excluded from this restriction.
Secretary of Corporate Governance: Raquel de Souza Claudino
Contact the Board of Directors by e-mail governanca@celesc.com.br.
Fiscal Council
Fiscal Council | |
Majority Shareholder Representative | Cláudio Rocha Surrogate: Anderson Miguel Chaves de Cordeiro |
Majority Shareholder Representative | Fábio Wagner Pinto Surrogate: Lisandro José Fendrich |
Majority Shareholder Representative | João Paulo Gomes Vieira |
Minority Shareholder Representative | Cleber dos Santos Lima Surrogate: Leandro Carron Rigamontte |
Preferred Shareholders Representative | Thiago Costa Jacinto Surrogate: Angela Gonçalves da Silva |
Advisory Committees of the Board of Directors
Statutory Audit Committee
Glauco José Côrte (Coordination)
Fábio Fick (independent)
Fabricio Santos Debortoli (independent)
Sérgio Tadeu Nabas (independent)
Manoel José da Cunha Júnior (independent)
Eligibility Committee
Silvia Regina da Silva Marafon (Coordinator)
Ana Beatriz Apolinário Cordiolli
Elisabeth Coelho da Silva
Strategy Committee for Strategic Affairs and Sustainability*
Michel Nunes Itkes (Coordinator)
José Valério de Medeiros Junior
Silvia Regina da Silva Marafon
*Since RCA of 04.16.2015 the Strategy Committee for Strategic Affairs and Sustainability took over the activities of the Sustainability Committee.
Financial Committee
Marcelo de Oliveira Figueiredo (Coordenador)
José Valerio de Medeiros Junior
Human Resources Committee
Ivécio Pedro Felisbino Filho (Coordinator)
José Valério de Medeiros Junior
Ethics Committee
Cesar Souza Junior (Coordinator)